inSpring supports Nursing is STEM Coalition

inSpring is proud to support the Nursing is STEM Coalition, an initiative supported by educators, professionals and regulators to designate Nursing as a STEM field opening up opportunities for a broader and more diverse workforce to support patient care in the U.S.

International students are the most under-leveraged, high quality talent pool for the healthcare sector.  inSpring transforms the education to career pipeline for international candidates and employers in the healthcare field with our end-to-end training and development model to optimize job readiness.

While international students studying Business Analytics, Computer Science and other related fields get the benefit of three years of employment authorization without sponsorship through STEM OPT, students graduating from degrees in Nursing don’t receive the same opportunity adding stress for employers, candidates and education institutions. The Department of Homeland Security has identified Nursing as non-STEM despite extension coursework in the sciences including Pharmacology, Healthcare Informatics, Biology, Chemistry and Anatomy.

When the Nursing is STEM Coalition is successful, international students from across the world who have a passion for the health sciences and the desire and determination to contribute to the workforce in the US will have a greater opportunity to do so without fear of being sent back home within a year of graduation.


Unlocking the Potential of International Talent: A New White Paper with IDP Education, USA


To Help Solve the Nursing Crisis, Support Diverse International Talent